Thursday 20 October 2011

Dear Diary: When Your Trick Backfires :(

Dear Diary,

You know how I mentioned that Big Ol' Bossypants tried to bribe me last week with an orange squidgy thing? Well, I finally found out what the "surprise I might not like" was. A new girl. Since she arrived I didn't get as much attention as usual even though I'm totally the cutest. I know I'm 'a keeper' or whatever but I wanted things back to normal and I wanted them back to normal quick. Was that so wrong, Diary? 

I may have told Little Val that our flat is haunted. I mentioned a white apparition that floats about wailing for pizza at meal times. I thought it might scare her into hiding or something and we'd have a bit of peace. I certainly didn't expect this at dinner time (we do breakfast, dinner, tea here. Northern style):

So I bricked it when I looked up from my chip butty and saw the apparition from my bullpoop story. I ran as fast as I could through the flat with the ghost hot on my heels. Suddenly I realised I'd inadvertently cornered myself when I turn around upon hearing chuckling and see this:

Yep, Little Val played me at my own game. Lesson learned... sort of. Anyway, after I got over my shock/anger I realised I could enact revenge or team up with Little Val: Evil Genius. Having spent a bit more time with Little Val: Evil Genius I'm not so sure of her 'Evil Genius' status but she's no fool. Definite friend material.

Stay sexy,


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